Source code for cowpatch.base_elements

import numpy as np
import plotnine as p9
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import svgutils.transform as sg

from .svg_utils import gg_to_svg, _save_svg_wrapper, _show_image, \
                    _raw_gg_to_svg, _select_correcting_size_svg, \
from .utils import to_inches, from_inches, inherits_plotnine, inherits, \
from .layout_elements import layout
from .config import rcParams

import copy

[docs]class patch: def __init__(self, *args, grobs=None): """ fundamental object of `cowpatch`, encapsulates plot objects and can be told how to present them Arguments --------- \*args : plot objects and patches all non-named parameters are expected to be plot objects or lower-level ``cow.patch`` objects. grobs : list list of plot objects and patches. Either ``\*args`` is empty or ``grobs`` is ``None``. Notes ----- *Guiding arangement:* In combination with ``cow.layout`` one can define arrangement of plots and lower-level arangements. For example, >>> vis_obj = cow.patch(g1,g2,g3) >>> vis_obj += cow.layout(design = np.array([[0,1], ... [2,2]])) >>> See the `Layout guide`_ for more detailed examples of functionality. .. _Layout guide: *Nesting:* One can nest `cow.patch` objects within other `cow.patch` objects. For example, >>> vis_obj2 = cow.patch(g4, vis_obj) >>> vis_obj2 += cow.layout(nrow = 1) >>> Examples -------- >>> # Necessary libraries for example >>> import numpy as np >>> import cowpatch as cow >>> import plotnine as p9 >>> import as p9_data >>> g0 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg) +\\ ... p9.geom_bar(p9.aes(x="hwy")) +\\ ... p9.labs(title = 'Plot 0') >>> g1 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg) +\\ ... p9.geom_point(p9.aes(x="hwy", y = "displ")) +\\ ... p9.labs(title = 'Plot 1') >>> g2 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg) +\\ ... p9.geom_point(p9.aes(x="hwy", y = "displ", color="class")) +\\ ... p9.labs(title = 'Plot 2') >>> g3 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg[p9_data.mpg["class"].isin(["compact", ... "suv", ... "pickup"])]) +\\ ... p9.geom_histogram(p9.aes(x="hwy"),bins=10) +\\ ... p9.facet_wrap("class") >>> # Basic example: >>> vis_obj = cow.patch(g0,g1,g2) >>> vis_obj += cow.layout(design = np.array([[0,1], ... [2,2]])) >>> >>> # Nesting example: >>> vis_obj2 = cow.patch(g3, vis_obj) >>> vis_obj2 += cow.layout(nrow = 1) >>> See Also -------- layout : class objects that can aid in defining the layout of plots in ``cow.patch`` objects """ future_docstring = """ *Algebraic Combinations:* *Titles and Labels:* """ # put *args into a list args_grobs = [x for x in args] if len(args_grobs) > 0: if grobs is not None: raise ValueError("cannot input a grobs list"+\ " as well as individual plots") else: self.grobs = args_grobs else: self.grobs = grobs self.__layout = "patch" # this is different than None... @property def layout(self): """ defines ``layout`` that either returns the last added ``cow.layout`` object or the default ``layout`` if no layout has been explicitly defined """ if self.__layout == "patch": if len(self.grobs) < 4: return layout(nrow = len(self.grobs), ncol = 1) else: num_grobs = len(self.grobs) nrow = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_grobs))) ncol = int(np.ceil(len(self.grobs) / nrow)) return layout(nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol) else: return self.__layout def _check_layout(self): """ checks layout if design matrix is fulled defined """ if self.layout.num_grobs is not None: if self.layout.num_grobs != len(self.grobs): raise AttributeError("layout's number of patches does not "+ "matches number of patches in arangement") def __or__(self, other): # check proper usage ------- if not inherits(other, patch): raise ValueError("only can connect specific general patch items"+ " with \"|\".") # combine with other ------- if self.layout is None: # only for wrappers! return patch(grobs=[self, other]) + layout(ncol=2,nrow=1) elif self.layout == layout(design = np.array([[0]])): # current self is [inner] return patch(grobs=self.grobs+[other]) + layout(ncol=2,nrow=1) elif self.layout.nrow == 1: # continuing a row return patch(grobs=self.grobs+[other]) + layout(nrow = 1, ncol = len(self.grobs)+1) else: return patch(grobs=[self.grobs]+[other]) + layout(ncol=2,nrow=1) def __div__(self, other): # check proper usage ------- if not inherits(other, patch): raise ValueError("only can connect specific general patch items"+ " with \"/\".") # combine with other ------- if self.layout is None: # only for wrappers! return patch(grobs=[self, other]) + layout(ncol=1,nrow=2) elif self.layout == layout(design = np.array([[0]])): # current self is [inner] return patch(grobs=self.grobs+[other]) + layout(ncol=1,nrow=2) elif self.layout.nrow == 1: # continuing a row return patch(grobs=self.grobs+[other]) + layout(nrow = len(self.grobs)+1, ncol = 1) else: return patch(grobs=[self.grobs]+[other]) + layout(ncol=2,nrow=1) def __add__(self, other): # check proper usage ------- if not (inherits(other, patch) or inherits(other, layout) or inherits(other, annotation)): if inherits(other,p9.theme): raise ValueError("cannot directly add a theme to a patch" + " object unless a wrapper, try \"&\" or \"*\"") raise ValueError("only can connect specific general patch items"+ " with \"/\".") if inherits(other, patch): # combine with other patch ------- raise ValueError("currently not implimented addition with another patch object") elif inherits(other, layout): # combine with layout ------------- new_obj = copy.deepcopy(self) new_obj.__layout = other return new_obj elif inherits(other, annotation): raise ValueError("currently not implimented addition with annotation") return self def __mul__(self, other): raise ValueError("currently not implimented *") def __and__(self, other): raise ValueError("currently not implimented &") def _svg(self, width_pt, height_pt, sizes=None, num_attempts=None, _u_idx=None): """ Internal function to create an svg representation of the patch Arguments --------- width_pt : float desired width of svg object in points height_pt : float desired height of svg object in points Returns ------- svg_object : ``svgutils.transforms`` object See also -------- svgutils.transforms : pythonic svg object """ self._check_layout() if num_attempts is None: num_attempts = rcParams["num_attempts"] # prep index tracking # ------------------- if _u_idx is None: _u_idx = str(self.__hash__()) # examine if sizing is possible and update or error if not # -------------------------------------------------------- if sizes is None: # top layer #pdb.set_trace() while num_attempts > 0: sizes, logics = self._svg_get_sizes(width_pt=width_pt, height_pt=height_pt) out_info = self._process_sizes(sizes, logics) if type(out_info) is list: num_attempts = -412 # strictly less than 0 else: # out_info is a scaling width_pt = width_pt*out_info height_pt = height_pt*out_info num_attempts -= 1 if num_attempts == 0: raise StopIteration("Attempts to find the correct sizing of inner"+ "plots failed with provided parameters") layout = self.layout areas = layout._element_locations(width_pt=width_pt, height_pt=height_pt, num_grobs=len(self.grobs)) base_image = sg.SVGFigure() base_image.set_size((str(width_pt)+"pt", str(height_pt)+"pt")) # add a view box... (set_size doesn't correctly update this...) # maybe should have used px instead of px.... base_image.root.set("viewBox", "0 0 %s %s" % (str(width_pt), str(height_pt))) # TODO: way to make decisions about the base image... base_image.append( sg.fromstring("<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"/>")) for p_idx in np.arange(len(self.grobs)): inner_area = areas[p_idx] inner_u_idx = _u_idx + "_" + str(p_idx) # TODO: how to deal with ggplot objects vs patch objects if inherits(self.grobs[p_idx], patch): inner_width_pt, inner_height_pt = inner_area.width, inner_area.height inner_svg, _ = self.grobs[p_idx]._svg(width_pt = inner_width_pt, height_pt = inner_height_pt, sizes = sizes[p_idx], _u_idx = inner_u_idx) elif inherits_plotnine(self.grobs[p_idx]): inner_gg_width_in, inner_gg_height_in = sizes[p_idx] inner_svg = _raw_gg_to_svg(self.grobs[p_idx], width = inner_gg_width_in, height = inner_gg_height_in, dpi = 96) inner_svg = _uniquify_svg_safe(inner_svg, inner_u_idx) else: raise ValueError("grob idx %i is not a patch object nor"+ "a ggplot object within patch with hash %i" % p_idx, self.__hash__()) inner_root = inner_svg.getroot() inner_root.moveto(x=inner_area.x_left, y=inner_area.y_top) base_image.append(inner_root) return base_image, (width_pt, height_pt) def _size_dive(self, parents_areas=None): """ (Internal) calculate a suggested overall size that ensures a minimum width and height of the smallest inner plot Arguments --------- parents_areas : list list of parent's/parents' areas. If value is None it means element has no parents Returns ------- suggested_width : float or list proposed width for overall size if parents_areas=None, else this is a list of relative proportion of widths of images (relative to the global width taking a value of 1) suggested_height : float or proposed height for overall size if parents_areas=None, else this is a list of relative proportion of height of images (relative to the global height taking a value of 1) depth : int or list maximum depth of structure if parents_areas=None, else this is a list of inner elements. Notes ----- The default rcParams are: base_height = 3.71, base_aspect_ratio = 1.618 # the golden ratio This follows ideas proposed in cowplot: ` <>`_. """ # basically following: min_image_height = rcParams["base_height"] min_image_width = rcParams["base_aspect_ratio"] * min_image_height image_rel_widths = [] image_rel_heights = [] depth = [] areas = self.layout._element_locations(width_pt=1, height_pt=1, num_grobs = len(self.grobs)) if parents_areas is None: parents_areas = [] rel_width_to_parents = 1 rel_height_to_parents = 1 else: rel_width_to_parents =[a.width for a in parents_areas]) rel_height_to_parents =[a.height for a in parents_areas]) parent_depth = len(parents_areas) for g_idx in np.arange(len(self.grobs)): inner_area = areas[g_idx] if inherits_plotnine(self.grobs[g_idx]): inner_rw = [inner_area.width * rel_width_to_parents] inner_rh = [inner_area.height * rel_height_to_parents] inner_d = [parent_depth + 1] else: inner_rw, inner_rh, inner_d =\ self.grobs[g_idx]._size_dive(parents_areas=parents_areas+ [inner_area]) image_rel_widths += inner_rw image_rel_heights += inner_rh depth += inner_d if len(parents_areas) == 0: return (min_image_width/np.min(image_rel_widths), min_image_height/np.min(image_rel_heights), np.max(depth)) else: return (image_rel_widths, image_rel_heights, depth) def _default_size(self, width, height): """ (Internal) obtain default recommended size of overall image if width or height is None Arguments --------- width : float width of output image in inches (this should actually be associated with the svg...) height : float height of svg in inches (this should actually be associated with the svg...) Returns ------- width : float returns default width for given object if not provided (else just returns provided value). If only height is provided then width proposed is relative to a default aspect ratio for the object. height : float returns default height for given object if not provided (else just returns provided value). If only width is provided then height proposed is relative to a default aspect ratio for the object. """ both_none = False if width is None or height is None: _width, _height, _ = self._size_dive() if width is None and height is None: both_none = True width = _width height = _height elif width is not None: height = _height / _width * width else: width = _width / _height * height return width, height def _svg_get_sizes(self, width_pt, height_pt): """ (Internal) Calculates required sizes for plot objects to meet required sizes and logics if the requested sizing was possible Arguments --------- width_pt : float overall width of the image in points height_pt : float overall height of the image in points Returns ------- sizes : nested list For each element in the patch (with nesting structure in the list), this contains width, height tuples that either capture the size to request the ggplot object to be to return the actual desired size (see gg_to_svg notes), OR it contains the fraction defined by the requested width (or height) w.r.t. the returned width (or height) from saving the plotnine object. The later option occurs when when the ggplot's sizing didn't converge to the desired size. logics : nested list For each element in the patch (with nesting structure in the list), this contains a boolean value if the ggplot object was able to be correctly size. Notes ----- Internally this function uses rcParams's ``eps``, ``mini_size_px`` and ``maxIter`` to determine the parameters to be put in .svg_utils._select_correcting_size_svg. """ layout = self.layout areas = layout._element_locations(width_pt=width_pt, height_pt=height_pt, num_grobs=len(self.grobs)) sizes = [] logics = [] for p_idx in np.arange(len(self.grobs)): inner_area = areas[p_idx] inner_width_pt = inner_area.width inner_height_pt = inner_area.height # TODO: how to deal with ggplot objects vs patch objects if inherits(self.grobs[p_idx], patch): inner_sizes_list, logic_list = \ self.grobs[p_idx]._svg_get_sizes(width_pt = inner_width_pt, height_pt = inner_height_pt) sizes.append(inner_sizes_list) logics.append(logic_list) elif inherits_plotnine(self.grobs[p_idx]): inner_w, inner_h, inner_logic = \ _select_correcting_size_svg(self.grobs[p_idx], width=to_inches(inner_width_pt, units="pt", dpi=96), height=to_inches(inner_height_pt, units="pt", dpi=96), dpi=96, eps=rcParams["eps"], min_size_px=rcParams["min_size_px"], maxIter=rcParams["maxIter"], throw_error=False) sizes.append((inner_w,inner_h)) logics.append(inner_logic) else: raise ValueError("grob idx %i is not a patch object nor"+ "a ggplot object" % p_idx) return sizes, logics def _process_sizes(self, sizes, logics): """ (Internal) draw conclusions about the output of _svg_get_sizes. This function assesses if any internal ggplot object failed to produce an image of the requested size (w.r.t. to given interation parameters) Arguments --------- sizes : nested list sizes output of _svg_get_sizes. This is a nested list with (width,height) or (requested_width/actual_width, requested_height/actual_width), with the different being if the ggplot object was able to be presented in the requested size logics : nested list logics output of _svg_get_sizes. This is a nested list of boolean values w.r.t. the previous different. Returns ------- sizes : nested list Returned if no logics values are False. This object is the sizes nested list that was input. max_scaling : float Returned if at least one of the logics values are False. This is the scaling of the original ``width_pt`` and ``height_pt`` that defined the sizes and logics that could make the requested sizes for all ggplots that failed to be correctly sized be at least as large as the returned size from a basic ggplot saving. """ flatten_logics = _flatten_nested_list(logics) if np.all(flatten_logics): return sizes # else suggest a rescale: flatten_sizes = _flatten_nested_list(sizes) bad_sizing_info = [flatten_sizes[i] for i in range(len(flatten_sizes)) if not flatten_logics[i]] width_scaling = 1/np.min([sizing[0] for sizing in bad_sizing_info]) height_scaling = 1/np.min([sizing[1] for sizing in bad_sizing_info]) max_scaling = np.max([width_scaling, height_scaling]) # ^ keeping aspect ratio with a single scaling return max_scaling
[docs] def save(self, filename, width=None, height=None, dpi=96, _format=None, verbose=None): """ save patch to file Arguments --------- filename : str local string to save the file to (this can also be at a ``io.BytesIO``) width : float width of output image in inches (this should actually be associated with the svg...) height : float height of svg in inches (this should actually be associated with the svg...) dpi : int or float dots per square inch, default is 96 (standard) _format : str string of format (error tells options). If provided this is the format used, if None, then we'll try to use the ``filename`` extension. verbose : bool If ``True``, print the saving information. The package default is defined by cowpatch's own rcParams (the base default is ``True``), which is used if verbose is ``None``. See Notes. Returns ------- None saves to a file Notes ----- If width and/or height is None, the approach will attempt to define acceptable width and height. The ``verbose`` parameter can be changed either directly with defining ``verbose`` input parameter or changing ``cow.rcParams["save_verbose"]``. See also -------- io.BytesIO : object that acts like a reading in of bytes """ # updating width and height if necessary (some combine is none) width, height = self._default_size(width=width,height=height) # global default for verbose (if not provided by the user) if verbose is None: verbose = rcParams["save_verbose"] svg_obj, (actual_width_pt, actual_height_pt) = \ self._svg(width_pt = from_inches(width, "pt", dpi=dpi), height_pt = from_inches(height, "pt", dpi=dpi)) _save_svg_wrapper(svg_obj, filename=filename, width=to_inches(actual_width_pt, "pt", dpi=dpi), height=to_inches(actual_height_pt, "pt", dpi=dpi), dpi=dpi, _format=_format, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def show(self, width=None, height=None, dpi=96, verbose=None): """ display object from the command line or in a jupyter notebook Arguments --------- width : float width of output image in inches (this should actually be associated with the svg...) height : float height of svg in inches (this should actually be associated with the svg...) dpi : int or float dots per square inch, default is 96 (standard) verbose : bool If ``True``, print the saving information. The package default is defined by cowpatch's own rcParams (the base default is ``True``), which is used if verbose is ``None``. See Notes. Notes ----- If width and/or height is None, the approach will attempt to define acceptable width and height. The ``verbose`` parameter can be changed either directly with defining ``verbose`` input parameter or changing ``cow.rcParams["show_verbose"]``. If run from the command line, this approach leverage matplotlib's plot render to show a static png version of the image. If run inside a jupyter notebook, this approache presents the actual svg representation. """ # updating width and height if necessary (some combine is none) width, height = self._default_size(width=width,height=height) # global default for verbose (if not provided by the user) if verbose is None: verbose = rcParams["show_verbose"] svg_obj, (actual_width_pt, actual_height_pt) = \ self._svg(width_pt = from_inches(width, "pt", dpi=dpi), height_pt = from_inches(height, "pt", dpi=dpi)) _show_image(svg_obj, width=to_inches(actual_width_pt, "pt", dpi=dpi), height=to_inches(actual_height_pt, "pt", dpi=dpi), dpi=dpi, verbose=verbose)
def __str__(self): return "<patch (%d)>" % self.__hash__() def __repr__(self): out = "num_grobs: " + str(len(self.grobs)) +\ "\n---\nlayout:\n" + self.layout.__repr__() return "<patch (%d)>" % self.__hash__() + "\n" + out