Source code for cowpatch.layout_elements

import re
import numpy as np
import warnings
import copy
from .utils import is_pos_int, is_non_neg_int, \
                is_proportion, is_positive, is_non_negative, \

[docs]class layout: def __init__(self, ncol=None, nrow=None, byrow=None, rel_widths=None, rel_heights=None, design=None ): """ layout class to store information about arangement of patches found in `cow.patch`. Arguments --------- ncol : integer Integer for the number of columns to arrange the the patches in. The default is None (which avoids conflicts if a value for `design` is provided). If ``ncol`` is None but ``nrow`` is not, then ``ncol`` will default to the minimum number of columns to make sure that all patches can be visualized. nrow : integer Integer for the number of rows to arrange the the patches in. The default is None (which avoids conflicts if a value for ``design`` is provided). If ``nrow`` is None but ``ncol`` is not, then ``nrow`` will default to the minimum number of rows to make sure that all patches can be visualized. byrow : boolean If ``ncol`` and/or ``nrow`` is included, then this boolean indicates if the patches should be ordered by row (default if ``byrow`` is None or when parameter is ``True``) or by column (if ``byrow`` was ``False``). design : np.array (float based) or str Specification of the location of each patch in the arrangement. Can either be a float numpy array with integers between 0 and the number of patches to arrange, or a text string that captures similar ideas to the array approach but uses capital alphabetical characters (A-Z) to indicate each figure. More information is in Notes. rel_widths : list, np vector or tuple Numerical vector of relative columns widths. This not required, the default would be ``np.ones(ncol)`` or ``np.ones(design.shape[0])``. Note that this is a relative sizing and the values are only required to be non-negative, non-zero values, for example ``[1,2]`` would would make the first column twice as wide as the second column. rel_heights : list or tuple Numerical vector of relative row heights. This not required, the default would be ``np.ones(nrow)`` or ``np.ones(design.shape[1])``. Note that this is a relative sizing and the values are only required to be non-negative, non-zero values, for example ``[1,2]`` would would make the first row twice as tall as the second row. Notes ----- *Design* The ``design`` parameter expects specific input. 1. If the ``design`` is input as a numpy array, we expect it to have integers only (0 to # patches-1). It is allowed to have ``np.nan`` values if certain "squares" of the layout are not covered by others (the covering is defined by the value ordering). Note that we won't check for overlap and ``np.nan`` is not enforced if another patches' relative (min-x,min-y) and (max-x, max-y) define a box over that ``np.nan``'s area. An example of a design of the numpy array form could look like >>> my_np_design = np.array([[1,1,2], ... [3,3,2], ... [3,3,np.nan]]) 2. if the ``design`` parameter takes in a string, we expect it to have a structure such that each line (pre ``\\\\n``) contains the same number of characters, and these characters must come from the first (number of patches) capital alphabetical characters or the ``\#`` or ``.`` sign to indicate an empty square. Similar arguments w.r.t. overlap and the lack of real enforcement for empty squares applies (as in 1.). An example of a design of the string form could look like >>> my_str_design = \"\"\" ... AAB ... CCB ... CC\# ... \"\"\" or >>> my_str_design = \"\"\" ... AAB ... CCB ... CC. ... \"\"\" See the `Layout guide`_ for more detailed examples of functionality. .. _Layout guide: *Similarities to our `R` cousins:* This layout function is similar to `patchwork\:\:plot_layout <>`_ (with a special node to ``design`` parameter) and helps perform similar ideas to `gridExtra\:\:arrangeGrob <>`_'s ``layout_matrix`` parameter, and `cowplot\:\:plot_grid <>`_'s ``rel_widths`` and ``rel_heights`` parameters. Examples -------- >>> # Necessary libraries for example >>> import numpy as np >>> import cowpatch as cow >>> import plotnine as p9 >>> import as p9_data >>> g0 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg) +\\ ... p9.geom_bar(p9.aes(x="hwy")) +\\ ... p9.labs(title = 'Plot 0') >>> g1 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg) +\\ ... p9.geom_point(p9.aes(x="hwy", y = "displ")) +\\ ... p9.labs(title = 'Plot 1') >>> g2 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg) +\\ ... p9.geom_point(p9.aes(x="hwy", y = "displ", color="class")) +\\ ... p9.labs(title = 'Plot 2') >>> g3 = p9.ggplot(p9_data.mpg[p9_data.mpg["class"].isin(["compact", ... "suv", ... "pickup"])]) +\\ ... p9.geom_histogram(p9.aes(x="hwy"),bins=10) +\\ ... p9.facet_wrap("class") >>> # design matrix >>> vis_obj = cow.patch(g1,g2,g3) >>> vis_obj += cow.layout(design = np.array([[0,1], ... [2,2]])) >>> >>> # design string >>> vis_obj2 = cow.patch(g1,g2,g3) >>> vis_obj2 += cow.layout(design = \"\"\" ... AB ... CC ... \"\"\") >>> >>> # nrow, ncol, byrow >>> vis_obj3 = cow.patch(g0,g1,g2,g3) >>> vis_obj3 += cow.layout(nrow=2, byrow=False) >>> >>> # rel_widths/heights >>> vis_obj = cow.patch(g1,g2,g3) >>> vis_obj += cow.layout(design = np.array([[0,1], ... [2,2]]), ... rel_widths = np.array([1,2])) >>> See also -------- area : object class that helps ``layout`` define where plots will go in the arangement patch : fundamental object class which is combined with ``layout`` to defin the overall arangement of plots """ if design is not None: if ncol is not None or nrow is not None: warnings.warn("ncol and nrow are overridden"+ " by the design parameter") if isinstance(design, np.ndarray): if len(design.shape) == 1: warnings.warn("design matrix is 1d,"+ " will be seen as a 1-row design") nrow, ncol = 1, design.shape[0] design = design.reshape((1,-1)) else: nrow, ncol = design.shape if isinstance(design, str): # convert design to desirable structure matrix structure design = self._design_string_to_mat(design) nrow, ncol = design.shape if ncol is None: if rel_widths is not None: if isinstance(rel_widths, np.ndarray): ncol = rel_widths.shape[0] if isinstance(rel_widths, list) or \ isinstance(rel_widths, tuple): ncol = len(rel_widths) rel_widths = np.array(rel_widths) if nrow is None: if rel_heights is not None: if isinstance(rel_heights, np.ndarray): nrow = rel_heights.shape[0] if isinstance(rel_heights, list) or \ isinstance(rel_heights, tuple): nrow = len(rel_heights) rel_heights= np.array(rel_heights) if rel_widths is None and rel_heights is None: assert not (ncol is None and nrow is None), \ "need some parameters to not be none in design initialization" if rel_widths is None and ncol is not None: rel_widths = np.ones(ncol) if rel_heights is None and nrow is not None: rel_heights = np.ones(nrow) if rel_heights is not None: rel_heights = np.array(rel_heights) if rel_widths is not None: rel_widths = np.array(rel_widths) # if design is None: # if byrow is None or byrow: # order_str = "C" # else: # order_str = "F" # design = np.arange(ncol*nrow,dtype = int).reshape((nrow, ncol), # order = order_str) if design is not None: byrow = None # ncol/nrow and rel_widths/rel_heights correct alignment if ncol is not None and rel_widths is not None: if ncol != rel_widths.shape[0]: raise ValueError("ncol (potentially from the design) and "+ "rel_widths disagree on size of layout") if nrow is not None and rel_heights is not None: if nrow != rel_heights.shape[0]: raise ValueError("nrow (potentially from the design) and "+ "rel_heights disagree on size of layout") self.ncol = ncol self.nrow = nrow self.__design = design self.byrow = byrow self.rel_widths = rel_widths self.rel_heights = rel_heights self.num_grobs = self._assess_mat(design) def _design_string_to_mat(self, design): """ Internal function to convert design string into a matrix Arguments --------- design : str design in a string format Returns ------- design : np.array integer design in np.array format """ design_clean = re.sub(" *\t*", "", design) # removing spaces and tabs design_clean = re.sub("^\n*", "", design_clean) # remove leading nl design_clean = re.sub("\n*$", "", design_clean) # remove following nl row_info = re.split("\n", design_clean) ncol_lengths = np.unique([len(x) for x in row_info]) if ncol_lengths.shape != (1,): raise ValueError("expect all rows in design to have the same "+ "number of entries, use # for an empty space "+ "if using a string format.") ncol = int(ncol_lengths) nrow = len(re.findall("\n", design)) + 1 design = np.array([[ ord(val)-65 if not np.any([val == x for x in ["#","."]]) else np.nan for val in r] for r in row_info]) return design def _get_design(self, num_grobs=None): """ create a design matrix if not explicit design has been provided """ if self.__design is not None: return self.__design if num_grobs is None: if self.num_grobs is None: raise ValueError("unclear number of grobs in layout...") else: num_grobs = self.num_grobs if self.byrow is None or self.byrow: order_str = "C" else: order_str = "F" # if only ncol or nrow is defined... ncol = self.ncol nrow = self.nrow if ncol is None: ncol = int(np.ceil(num_grobs / nrow)) if nrow is None: nrow = int(np.ceil(num_grobs / ncol)) inner_design = np.arange(ncol*nrow, dtype = float).reshape((nrow, ncol), order = order_str) inner_design[inner_design >= num_grobs] = np.nan _ = self._assess_mat(inner_design) # should pass since we just built it... return inner_design # property design = property(_get_design) """ defines underlying ``design`` attribute (potentially defined relative to a ``cow.patch`` object if certain structure are not extremely specific. """ def _assess_mat(self, design): """ Assesses if the design matrix includes at least 1 box for patches indexed 0 to (number of patches - 1). This doesn't actually assume to know the number of patches. Arguments --------- design : np.array (integer) design in numpy array format Returns ------- int number of patches expected in the overall matrix. Raises ------ ValueError if design matrix doesn't include at least at least 1 box for all indices between 0 to (number of patches - 1) """ if design is None: return None # to identify later that we don't have a design matrix unique_vals = np.unique(design) unique_vals = np.sort( unique_vals[np.logical_not(np.isnan(unique_vals))]) num_unique = unique_vals.shape[0] if not np.allclose(unique_vals, np.arange(num_unique)): raise ValueError("design input requires values starting "+ "with 0/A and through integer/alphabetical "+ "value expected for the number of patches "+ "provided") return num_unique def _rel_structure(self, num_grobs=None): """ provide rel_structure (rel_widths, rel_heights) if missing Arguments --------- num_grobs : int if not None, then this value will be used to understand the number of grobs to be laid out Returns ------- rel_widths : np.array vector a vector of relative widths of the columns of the layout design rel_heights : np.array vector a vector of relative heights of the rows of the layout design """ if num_grobs is None: if not (self.ncol is not None and self.nrow is not None) and \ not (self.rel_widths is not None and self.rel_heights is not None): raise ValueError("unclear number of grobs in layout -> "+ "unable to identify relative width and height") rel_widths = self.rel_widths rel_heights = self.rel_heights ncol = self.ncol nrow = self.nrow if rel_widths is not None and ncol is None: ncol = rel_widths.shape[0] if rel_heights is not None and nrow is None: nrow = rel_heights.shape[0] if ncol is None: ncol = int(np.ceil(num_grobs/nrow)) if rel_widths is None: rel_widths = np.ones(ncol) if nrow is None: nrow = int(np.ceil(num_grobs/ncol)) if rel_heights is None: rel_heights = np.ones(nrow) return rel_widths, rel_heights def _element_locations(self, width_pt, height_pt, num_grobs=None): """ create a list of ``area`` objects associated with the location of each of the layout's grobs w.r.t. a given points width and height Arguments --------- width_pt : float global width (in points) of the full arangement of patches height_pt : float global height (in points) of the full arangement of patches num_grobs : integer if not ``None``, then this value will be used to understand the number of grobs to be laid out Returns ------- list list of ``area`` objects describing the location for each of the layout's grobs (in the order of the index in the """ if self.num_grobs is None and num_grobs is None: raise ValueError("unclear number of grobs in layout...") if self.num_grobs is not None: if num_grobs is not None and num_grobs != self.num_grobs: warnings.warn("_element_locations overrides num_grobs "+ "with self.num_grobs") num_grobs = self.num_grobs rel_widths, rel_heights = self._rel_structure(num_grobs=num_grobs) areas = [] for p_idx in np.arange(num_grobs): dmat_logic = self._get_design(num_grobs=num_grobs) == p_idx r_logic = dmat_logic.sum(axis=1) > 0 c_logic = dmat_logic.sum(axis=0) > 0 inner_x_where = np.argwhere(c_logic) inner_x_left = np.min(inner_x_where) inner_x_right = np.max(inner_x_where) inner_width = inner_x_right - inner_x_left + 1 inner_x_where = np.argwhere(r_logic) inner_y_top = np.min(inner_x_where) inner_y_bottom = np.max(inner_x_where) inner_height = inner_y_bottom - inner_y_top + 1 inner_design_area = area(x_left = inner_x_left, y_top = inner_y_top, width = inner_width, height = inner_height, _type = "design") areas.append(, rel_heights=rel_heights, width_pt=width_pt, height_pt=height_pt)) return areas def _yokogaki_ordering(self, num_grobs=None): """ calculates the yokogaki (left to right, top to bottom) ordering the the patches Arguments --------- num_grobs : integer if not ``None``, then this value will be used to understand the number of grobs to be laid out Returns ------- numpy array (vector) of integer index of plots in yokogaki ordering Notes ----- Yokogaki is a Japanese word that concisely describes the left to right, top to bottom writing format. We'd like to thank `stack overflow`_. for pointing this out. .. _stack overflow: """ if self.num_grobs is None and num_grobs is None: raise ValueError("unclear number of grobs in layout...") if self.num_grobs is not None: if num_grobs is not None and num_grobs != self.num_grobs: warnings.warn("_element_locations overrides num_grobs "+ "with self.num_grobs") num_grobs = self.num_grobs areas = self._element_locations(1,1) # basically getting relative positions (doesn't matter) - nor does it matter about rel_height and width, but ah well all_x_left = np.array([a.x_left for a in areas]) all_y_top = np.array([a.y_top for a in areas]) index_list = np.arange(num_grobs) yokogaki_ordering = [] # remember y_tops are w.r.t top axis for y_val in np.sort(np.unique(all_y_top)): given_row_logic = all_y_top == y_val inner_index = index_list[given_row_logic] inner_x_left = all_x_left[given_row_logic] row_ids = inner_index[np.argsort(inner_x_left)] yokogaki_ordering += list(row_ids) return np.array(yokogaki_ordering) def __hash__(self): """ Creates a 'unique' hash for the object to help with identification Returns ------- hash integer """ if self.num_grobs is None: design_list = [None] else: design_list = list( rw_list = [None] if self.rel_widths is not None: rw_list = list(self.rel_widths) rh_list = [None] if self.rel_heights is not None: rh_list = list(self.rel_heights) info_list = design_list + \ rw_list + rh_list +\ [self.ncol, self.nrow, self.num_grobs] return abs(hash(tuple(info_list))) def __str__(self): return "<layout (%d)>" % self.__hash__() def __repr__(self): nrow_str = str(self.nrow) if self.nrow is None: nrow_str = "unk" ncol_str = str(self.ncol) if self.ncol is None: ncol_str = "unk" if self.num_grobs is None: design_str = "*unk*" else: design_str = rw_str = "unk" if self.rel_widths is not None: rw_str = self.rel_widths.__str__() rh_str = "unk" if self.rel_heights is not None: rh_str = self.rel_heights.__str__() out = "design (%s, %s):\n\n"% (nrow_str, ncol_str) +\ design_str +\ "\n\nwidths:\n" +\ rw_str +\ "\nheights:\n" +\ rh_str return self.__str__() + "\n" + out def __eq__(self, value): """ checks if object is equal to another object (value) Arguments --------- value : object another object (that major or may not be of the layout class) Returns ------- boolean if current object and other object (value) are equal """ # if value is not a layout... if not inherits(value, layout): return False # if __design hasn't been specified on 1 but is on another if (self.__design is None and value.__design is not None) or\ (self.__design is not None and value.__design is None): return False # accounting for lack of __design specification design_logic = True if self.__design is not None: design_logic = np.allclose(,,equal_nan=True) return design_logic and \ self.ncol == value.ncol and \ self.nrow == value.nrow and \ np.unique(self.rel_heights/value.rel_heights).shape[0] == 1 and \ np.unique(self.rel_widths/value.rel_widths).shape[0] == 1
[docs]class area: def __init__(self, x_left, y_top, width, height, _type): """ object that stores information about what area a ``patch`` will fill Arguments --------- x_left : float scalar of where the left-most point of the patch is located (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) y_top : float scalar of where the top-most point of the patch is located (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) width : float scalar of the width of the patch (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) height : float scalar of the height of the patch (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) _type : str {"design", "relative", "pt"} describes how the parameters are stored. See Notes for more information between the options. Notes ----- These objects provide structural information about where in the overall arangement individual plots / sub arangments lie. The ``_type`` parameter informs how to understand the other parameters: 1. "design" means that the values are w.r.t. to a design matrix relative to the `layout` class, and values are relative to the rows and columns units. 2. "relative" means the values are defined relative to the full size of the canvas and taking values between 0-1 (inclusive). 3. "pt" means that values are defined relative to point values See also -------- layout : object that incorporates multiple area definitions to define layouts. """ # some structure check: self._check_info_wrt_type(x_left, y_top, width, height, _type) self.x_left = x_left self.y_top = y_top self.width = width self.height = height self._type = _type def _check_info_wrt_type(self, x_left, y_top, width, height, _type): """ some logic checks of inputs relative to ``_type`` parameter Arguments --------- x_left : float scalar of where the left-most point of the patch is located (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) y_top : float scalar of where the top-most point of the patch is located (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) width : float scalar of the width of the patch (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) height : float scalar of the height of the patch (impacted by the ``_type`` parameter) _type : str {"design", "relative", "pt"} describes how the parameters are stored. Options include ["design", "relative", "pt"]. See class docstring for more info Raises ------ ValueError if any of the first four parameters don't make sense with respect to the ``_type`` parameter """ if _type not in ["design", "relative", "pt"]: raise ValueError("_type parameter not an acceptable option, see"+ " documentation") if _type == "design" and \ not np.all([is_non_neg_int(val) for val in [x_left,y_top]] + [is_pos_int(val) for val in [width,height]]) : raise ValueError("with _type=\"design\", all parameters must be "+ "positive integers") elif _type == "relative" and \ not np.all([is_proportion(val) for val in [x_left,y_top, width,height]] + [is_positive(val) for val in [width,height]]): raise ValueError("with _type=\"relative\", all parameters should"+ " be between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and width and"+ " height cannot be 0") elif _type == "pt" and \ not np.all([is_non_negative(val) for val in [x_left,y_top]] + [is_positive(val) for val in [width,height]]): raise ValueError("with _type=\"pt\", all x_left and y_top should"+ " be non-negative and width and height should"+ " be strictly positive") def _design_to_relative(self, rel_widths, rel_heights): """ translates an area object with ``_type`` = "design" to area object with ``_type`` = "relative". Arguments --------- rel_widths : np.array (vector) list of relative widths of each column of the layout matrix rel_heights : np.array (vector) list of relative heights of each row of the layout matrix Returns ------- area object area object of ``_type`` = "relative" """ rel_widths = rel_widths/np.sum(rel_widths) rel_heights = rel_heights/np.sum(rel_heights) x_left = np.sum(rel_widths[:(self.x_left)]) y_top = np.sum(rel_heights[:(self.y_top)]) width = np.sum(rel_widths[self.x_left:(self.x_left + self.width)]) height = np.sum(rel_heights[self.y_top:(self.y_top + self.height)]) rel_area = area(x_left=x_left, y_top=y_top, width=width, height=height, _type="relative") return rel_area def _relative_to_pt(self, width_pt, height_pt): """ translates an area object with ``_type`` = "relative" to area object with ``_type`` = "pt". Arguments --------- width_pt : float width in points height_pt : float height in points Returns ------- area object area object of ``_type`` = "pt" """ return area(x_left = self.x_left * width_pt, y_top = self.y_top * height_pt, width = self.width * width_pt, height = self.height * height_pt, _type = "pt")
[docs] def pt(self, width_pt=None, height_pt=None, rel_widths=None, rel_heights=None ): """ Translates area object to ``_type`` = "pt" Arguments --------- width_pt : float width in points (required if ``_type`` is not "pt") height_pt : float height in points (required if ``_type`` is not "pt") rel_widths : np.array (vector) list of relative widths of each column of the layout matrix (required if ``_type`` is "design") rel_heights : np.array (vector) list of relative heights of each row of the layout matrix (required if ``_type`` is "design") Returns ------- area object area object of ``_type`` = "pt" """ if self._type == "design": rel_area = self._design_to_relative(rel_widths = rel_widths, rel_heights = rel_heights) return = width_pt, height_pt = height_pt) elif self._type == "relative": return self._relative_to_pt(width_pt = width_pt, height_pt = height_pt) elif self._type == "pt": return copy.deepcopy(self) else: raise ValueError("_type attributes altered to a non-acceptable"+ " value")
def _hash(self): """ replacement function for ``__hash__`` due to equality conflicts Notes ----- required since we defined ``__eq__`` and this conflicts with the standard ``__hash__`` """ return hash((self.x_left, self.y_top, self.width, self.height, self._type)) def __str__(self): return "<area (%d)>" % self._hash() def __repr__(self): out = "_type: " + self._type +\ "\n\nx_left: " +\ self.x_left.__str__() +\ "\ny_top: " +\ self.y_top.__str__() +\ "\nwidth: " +\ self.width.__str__() +\ "\nheight: " +\ self.height.__str__() return self.__str__() + "\n" + out def __eq__(self, value): return type(self) == type(value) and \ np.allclose(np.array([self.x_left, self.y_top, self.width, self.height]), np.array([value.x_left, value.y_top, value.width, value.height])) and \ self._type == value._type