Source code for cowpatch.utils

import numpy as np
import plotnine as p9
import inspect
import re

[docs]def val_range(x): return (np.min(x), np.max(x))
[docs]def is_int(x): return np.round(x) == x
[docs]def is_positive(x): return x > 0
[docs]def is_non_neg_int(x): return is_non_negative(x) and is_int(x)
[docs]def is_pos_int(x): return is_positive(x) and is_int(x)
[docs]def is_proportion(x): return x >=0 and x <= 1
[docs]def is_non_negative(x): return x >= 0
[docs]def inherits(object, _class): return issubclass(type(object),_class)
# TODO: I'm not 100% sure these conversions do the right thing (especially w.r.t to dpi notation...)
[docs]def to_pt(value, units, dpi=96): """ convert length from given units to pt Arguments --------- value : float length in measurement units units : str unit type (e.g. "pt", "px", "in", "cm", "mm") dpi : float / int dots per inch (conversion between inches and px) Return ------ length in pt """ if units not in ["pt", "cm", "mm", "in", "inches", "px"]: raise ValueError("please constrain units string parameter to "+\ "options listed in doc string") if units == "pt": return value # metric to inches if units == "cm": value = value/2.54 units = "in" if units == "mm": value = value/25.4 units = 'in' # inches to pixels if units == "in" or units == "inches": value = value * dpi units = "px" # pixel to pt if units == "px": value = value * .75 return value
[docs]def from_pt(value, units, dpi=96): """ convert length from pt to given units Arguments --------- value : float length in pt units : str unit type (e.g. "pt", "px", "in", "cm", "mm") to convert to dpi : float / int dots per inch (conversion between inches and px) Return ------ length given units """ if units not in ["pt", "cm", "mm", "in", "inches", "px"]: raise ValueError("please constrain units string parameter to "+\ "options listed in doc string") if units == "pt": return value # metric to inches if units == "cm": value = value * 2.54 units = "in" if units == "mm": value = value * 25.4 units = 'in' # inches to pixels if units == "in" or units == "inches": value = value / dpi units = "px" # pt to px if units == "px": value = value * 4/3 return value
[docs]def to_inches(value, units, dpi=96): """ convert length from given units to pt Arguments --------- value : float length in measurement units units : str unit type (e.g. "pt", "px", "in", "cm", "mm") dpi : float / int dots per inch (conversion between inches and px) Return ------ length in pt """ pt_val = to_pt(value, units, dpi) return from_pt(pt_val, "in", dpi)
[docs]def from_inches(value, units, dpi=96): """ convert length from inches to given units Arguments --------- value : float length in inches units : str unit type (e.g. "pt", "px", "in", "cm", "mm") to convert to dpi : float / int dots per inch (conversion between inches and px) Return ------ length given units """ pt_val = to_pt(value, "in", dpi) return from_pt(pt_val, units, dpi)
[docs]def inherits_plotnine(other): """ checks if object is a plotnine one (but really only checks if comes from plotnine package...) """ # module_tree = getattr(other, '__module__', None) parent = module_tree.split('.')[0] if module_tree else None return "plotnine" == parent
def _transform_size_to_pt(size_string_tuple): """ takes string with unit and converts it to a float w.r.t pt Arguments --------- size_string_tuple : string tuple tuple of strings with size of svg image Return ------ tuple of floats of sizes w.r.t pt """ value = [float('[0-9\.+]+', s).group()) for s in size_string_tuple] if size_string_tuple[0].endswith("pt"): return (value[0], value[1]) elif size_string_tuple[0].endswith("in"): return (value[0]*72, value[1]*72) elif size_string_tuple[0].endswith("px"): return (value[0]*.75, value[1]*.75) else: raise ValueError("size_string_tuple structure of object not as "+\ "expected, new size type") def _proposed_scaling_both(current, desired): """ identify a x and y scaling to make the current size into the desired size Arguments --------- current : tuple float tuple of current size of svg object desired : tuple float tuple of desired size of svg object Returns ------- tuple float tuple of scalar constants for size change in each dimension """ scale_x = desired[0]/current[0] scale_y = desired[1]/current[1] return scale_x, scale_y def _flatten_nested_list(x): """ Flatten nested list Argument -------- x : list nested list with different leveling of different objects Returns ------- flatten version of list """ out = [] for xi in x: if type(xi) is list: out += _flatten_nested_list(xi) else: out.append(xi) return out