Module Contents
- cowpatch.config.rcParams
underlying parameters of that control the generation of the actual images
- maxIterint
maximum number of iterations to be used to convert a plotnine ggplot object output into the correct size
- min_size_pxint
early stopping rule for conversion a plotnine ggplot object output into the correct size, if size of image goes below this value the process stops with an error
- epsfloat
difference between desired and converged sizes to successfully stop the interation for the conversion a plotnine ggplot object output into the correct size
- save_verboseboolean
logic if saving a cow.patch arangement (with .save) is is done so verbosely as a default (can be overridden)
- show_verboseboolean
logic if showing a cow.patch arangement (with .show) is is done so verbosely as a default (can be overridden)
- num_attemptsint
Number of attempts to correct the global size of the arangment to allow the plotnine ggplot objects to have the expected sizes with desired aspect ratio. Minimum value is 1, which means no correction is made.
- base_heightfloat
inches for the minimum height of a plotnine ggplot object if no global height of the arrangement is provided in the .show() and .save() functions.
- base_aspect_ratiofloat
ratio that (along with base_height) defines underlying minimum width of a plotnine ggplot object if no global width of the arrangement is provided in the .show() and .save() functions. This ratio is the golden ratio.