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On this homework, you can collaborate with your classmates, but you must identify their names above, and you must submit your own homework as an knitted HTML file on Canvas, by Tuesday 10pm, next week (July 24th).
Fill out the midsemester survey. Write the final word in this phrase that appears in the last question “Ben is ____”.
Recall, as covered in lab, the Huber loss function (or just Huber function, for short), with cutoff \(a\), which is defined as: \[ \psi_a(x) = \begin{cases} x^2 & \text{if $|x| \leq a$} \\ 2a|x| - a^2 & \text{if $|x| > a$} \end{cases} \] This function is quadratic on the interval \([-a,a]\), and linear outside of this interval. It transitions from quadratic to linear “smoothly”, and looks like this (when \(a=1\)):
in the body of the function to be the square of the input argument x
. In a separate line of code (outside of the function definition), define the variable x_squared
to be equal to 999. Then call huber(x = 3)
, and display the value of x_squared
. What is its value? Is this affected by the function call huber(x = 3)
? It shouldn’t be! Reiterate this point with several more lines of code, in which you repeatedly define x_squared
to be something different (even something nonnumeric, like a string), and then call huber(x = 3)
, and demonstrate afterwards that the value of x.squared
hasn’t changed.huber <- function(x, a = 1) {
x_squared = x^2
ifelse(abs(x) <= a, x_squared, 2 * a * abs(x) - a^2)
1b. (2 pts) Similar to the last question, define the variable a
to be equal to -59.6, then call huber(x = 3, a = 2)
, and show that the value of a
after this function call is unchanged. And repeat a few times with different assignments for the variable a
, to reiterate this point.
1c. (2 pts) The previous two questions showed you that a function’s body has its own environment in which locally defined variables, like those defined in the body itself, or those defined through inputs to the function, take priority over those defined outside of the function. However, when a variable referred to the body of a function is not defined in the local environment, the default is to look for it in the global environment (outside of the function).
Below is a “sloppy” implementation of the Huber function called huber_sloppy()
, in which the cutoff a
is not passed as an argument to the function. In a separate line of code (outside of the function definition), define a
to be equal to 1.5 and then call huber.sloppy(x=3)
. What is the output? Explain. Repeat this a few times, by defining a
and then calling huber_sloppy(x = 3)
, to show that the value of a
does indeed affect the function’s ouptut as expected. Challenge: try setting a
equal to a string and calling huber_sloppy(x = 3)
; can you explain what is happening?
huber_sloppy <- function(x) {
ifelse(abs(x) <= a, x^2, 2 * a * abs(x) - a^2)
1d. (2 pts) At last, a difference between =
and <-
, explained! The equal sign =
and assignment operator <-
are often used interchangeably in R, and some people will often say that a choice between the two is mostly a matter of stylistic taste. This is not the full story. Indeed, =
and <-
behave very differently when used to set input arguments in a function call. As we showed above, setting, say, a = 5
as the input to huber()
has no effect on the global assignment for a
. However, replacing a = 5
with a <- 5
in the call to huber()
is entirely different in terms of its effect on a
. Demonstrate this, and explain what you are seeing in terms of global assignment.
1e. (2 pts) The story now gets even more subtle. It turns out that the assignment operator <-
allows us to define new global variables even when we are specifying inputs to a function. Pick a variable name that has not been defined yet in your workspace, say b
(or something else, if this has already been used in your R Markdown document). Call huber(x = 3, b <- 20)
, then display the value of b
—this variable should now exist in the global enviroment, and it should be equal to 20! Alo, can you explain the output of huber(x = 3, b <- 20)
) (17 points)library(tidyverse)
Below we read in a data frame pros_df
containing measurements on men with prostate cancer, as seen in previous labs. As before, in what follows, use dplyr
and pipes to answer the following questions on pros_df
pros_df <-
2a. (2 pts) Among the men whose lcp value is equal to the minimum value, report the lowest and highest lpsa score.
2b. (3 pts) Order the rows by decreasing age, then decreasing lpsa score, and display the rows from men who are older than 70, but only the age, lpsa, lcavol, and lweight columns.
2c. (2 pts) Calculate the correlation between the lpsa on lcavol columns, but only using men whose lcp value is strictly larger than the minimum value. Hint: try subsetting the correlation matrix.
2d. (3 pts) If you are only examining the relationship between 2 continous variables, the correlation coefficent is directly related to the \(\beta\) value in a linear model. We’ll talk more about linear models next week (though I assume you’ve seen them before). Using code similar to that in part 4c. run a linear model modeling lpsa as a function of lcavol on the same set of men. Hint: look up the lm
2e. Challenge: Extend your code in the last part, still just using a single flow of pipe commands in total, to extract the p-values associated with each of the coefficients in the fitted model.
(17 points)tidyr
’s separate()
(below I loaded in the data). Does the column ordering look the same?shark_attacks <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
3b. (2 pts) Unless you did separate(..., remove = FALSE)
, you’ll notice that you’ve removed the Date
column. Use unite
to recreate the Date column (don’t remove the year
, month
and day
3c. (3 pts) Tufte (a famous statistican in vistualization) stated twice in his text The Visual Display of Information that summaries and tables can be useful/ better than graphics for “datset of 20 numbers or less”. How many data points does Lab 3.2’s 4e’s graphic contain (Hint: it’s below 20). Generate the same data that the graphic represents (where we only are only examining the Fatal
Attacks), but grouping (group_by
) by month and summarizing the number of observations in each group. The n()
inside the summarize
function will count the total number in each group (call this value total
). Update this first table to be ordered (highest to lowest) by the total column (make to to do this after you make the total column).
3d. (3 pts) As in Lab 3.2’s 4f, group these count values by country as well. Do country then month. What happens when happens when you order them differently? Save this information as attacks_monthly
3e. (2 pts) That table you got in 3d seems to be very hard to read. Tufte would be sad. Use spread
to make it have Country’s on the rows and Months as columns. Save this as attacks_monthly_table
3f. (3 pts) Transform attacks_monthly_table
back to the same format as attacks_monthly
using gather
. Define as attacks_monthly2
(remember to give it the same names). Are they the same? Use any subsetting approach you’ve learned before to make them have the same dimension (no need to make the remake order the exact same.)
3g. (2 pts) In your own words describe the input parameters (used in the above problem) for both gather
and spread
3h. Challenge: Use attacks_monthly
to recreate the faceted barplot in Lab 3.2’s 4f. To do so use aes(...,y = total)
for the geom_barplot
and have the stat = "identity"
inside geom_barplot
. Think about how ggplot
is thinking about the data structure you should be feeding in. If data is too big (think facebook, etc) then it can make sense to first calculate these counts before you visualize the graphic.
(13 points)4a. (1 point) The Social Security Administration, among other things, maintains a list of the most popular baby names. Load the file located at the URL
into R as a data frame pa_names
with variable names State
, Gender
, Year
, Name
and Count
. This is a fun dataset to browse: for instance you can see the name “Elvis” suddenly jumped in popularity in the mid 1950s. For those interested, we obtained this data from
. Print the first three rows of the data frame.
4b. (2 pts) Load the file at the URL
as nc_names
using the same variable names as pa_names
. Similar to pa_names
, make sure the variables in nc_names
are called State
, Gender
, Year
, Name
and Count
. Print the first three rows of nc_names
. Use the intersect
function (note that base R
also has a union
function for similar set analysis), to count how many names nc_names
has in common with pa_names
4c. (3 pts) Create data.frames nc_babies
and pa_babies
that contain the number of female and male babies the state had for a given year (have column names State
, Gender
, Year
, Total
4d. (4 pts) Join the Total
babies information from the .._babies
data.frames to the .._names
. Please update the .._names
data frames. Think about what’s happening here - write some general comments on what is happening (and decide which join seems the most natural here). Do this before you start coding! Note: this is good coding practice - aka thinking about the problem before starting to code. Show the head of these 2 updated data.frames. If you have column names of the style a.x
and a.y
remove one of them if they’re the exact same.
4c. (3 pts) Merge these two files ({pa,na}_names
) to create a data.frame merged
which contains columns for counts in each state. The resulting data frame should have columns Name
, Gender
, Year
, PA Counts
, NC Counts
. If a name does not appear in one of the data frame, make the count in the merged data frame under the appropriate column equal to NA (which join
does this mean?). Print the first three and last three rows of the merged data frame. **Try using the rename
function if possible.
4d. Challenge: Create another merged data.frame but remove/collapse year information and include a column that is the proportion of babies that year and gender than had the same name (name them PA Prop
and NC Prop
to do an approach in coding call “Split-Apply-Combine”. Read / skim this document: []. What does nest
, unnest
and map
do? Can you imagine how you could do “Split-Apply-Combine” with the tidyr
tools and split()
and apply
? This tidyverse
approach seems still to actually be in development (as of summer 2019) - which is why I’m not teaching it in class.