Andrew ID:
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This lab is to be done in class (completed outside of class if need be). You can collaborate with your classmates, but you must identify their names above, and you must submit your own lab as an knitted HTML file on Canvas, by Tuesday 10pm, this week.
This week’s agenda: exploratory data analysis, cleaning data, fitting linear models, and using associated utility functions.
Recall the data set on 97 men who have prostate cancer (from the book The Elements of Statistical Learning). Reading it into our R session:
pros_df <-
## [1] 97 9
head(pros_df, 3)
## lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45 lpsa
## 1 -0.5798185 2.769459 50 -1.386294 0 -1.386294 6 0 -0.4307829
## 2 -0.9942523 3.319626 58 -1.386294 0 -1.386294 6 0 -0.1625189
## 3 -0.5108256 2.691243 74 -1.386294 0 -1.386294 7 20 -0.1625189
1a. Define pros_df_subset
to be the subset of observations (rows) of the prostate data set such the lcp
measurement is greater than the minimum value (the minimum value happens to be log(0.25)
, but you should not hardcode this value and should work it out from the data). As in lecture, plot histograms of all of the variables in pros_df_subset
1b. Also as in lecture, compute and display correlations between all pairs of variables in pros_df_subset
. Report the two highest correlations between pairs of (distinct) variables, and also report the names of the associated variables.
1c. Compute, using lm()
, a linear regression model of lpsa
(log PSA score) on lcavol
(log cancer volume). Do this twice: once with the full data set, pros_df
, and once with the subsetted data, pros_df_subset
. Save the results as pros_lm.
and pros_subset_lm
, respectively. Using coef()
, display the coefficients (intercept and slope) from each linear regression. Are they different?
1d. Let’s produce a visualization to help us figure out how different these regression lines really are. Plot lpsa
versus lcavol
, using the full set of observations, in pros_df
. Label the axes appropriately. Then, mark the observations in pros_df_subset
by small filled red circles (shape = 16). Add a black line to your plot, displaying the fitted regression line from pros_lm
using geom_abline
(takes in a intercept
and a slope
value). Add a red line, displaying the fitted regression line from pros_subset_lm
. Add a caption (for now) using + labs()
to describe what the colors mean. Please also add useful x
and y
axis labels.
There are now over 1,000 confirmed planets outside of our solar system. They have been discovered through a variety of methods, with each method providing access to different information about the planet. Many were discovered by NASA’s Kepler space telescope, which observes the “transit” of a planet in front of its host star. In these problems you will use data from the NASA Exoplanet Archive to investigate some of the properties of these exoplanets. (You don’t have to do anything yet, this was just by way of background.)
2a. A data table of dimension 1892 x 10 on exoplanets (planets outside of our solar system, i.e., which orbit anothet star, other than our sun) is up at Load this data table into your R session with read.csv()
and save the resulting data frame as exo_df
. (Hint: the first 13 lines of the linked filed just explain the nature of the data, so you can use an appropriate setting for the skip
argument in read.csv()
.) Check that exo_df
has the right dimensions, and display its first 3 rows.
2b. The last 6 columns of the exo_df
data frame, pl_pnum
, pl_orbsmax
, pl_massj
, pl_msinij
, and st_mass
, are all numeric variables. Define a matrix exo_mat
that contains these variables as columns. Display the first 3 rows of exo_mat
2c. As we can see, at least one of the columns, pl_massj
, has many NA values in it. How many missing values are present in each of the 6 columns of exo_mat
? (Hint: you can do this easily with vectorization, you shouldn’t use any loops.)
2d. Define ind_clean
to be the vector of row indices corresponding to the “clean” rows in exo_mat
, i.e., rows for which there are no NAs among the 6 variables. (Hint: again, you can do this easily with vectorization, you shouldn’t use any loops.) Use ind_clean
to define exo_mat_clean
, a new matrix containing the corresponding clean rows of exo_mat
. How many rows are left in exo_mat_clean
2e. Yikes! You should have seen that, because there are so many missing values (NA values) in exo_mat
, we only have 7 rows with complete observations! This is far too little data. Because of this, we’re going to restrict our attention to the variables pl_orbper
, st_mass
, and pl_orbsmax
. Redefine exo_mat
to contain just these 3 variables as columns. Then repeat the previous part, i.e., define ind_clean
to be the vector of row indices corresponding to the “clean” rows in exo_mat
, and define exo_mat_clean
accordingly. Now, how many rows are left in exo_mat_clean
? Finally, check that exo_mat_clean
is the same as the result of calling na.omit()
(a handy built-in R function) on exo_mat
. You can check for equality using all.equal()
with the argument check.attributes = FALSE
3a. Convert exo_mat_clean
to a data frame
. Compute histograms of each of the variables in exo_mat_clean
. Set the titles and label the x-axes appropriately (indicating the variable being considered). What do you notice about these distributions?
3b. Apply a log transformation to the variables in exo_mat_clean
, saving the resulting matrix as exo_mat_clean_log
. Name the columns of exo_mat_clean_log
to be “pl_orbper_log”, “st_mass_log”, and “pl_orbsmax_log”, respectively, to remind yourself that these variables are log transformed. Recompute histograms as in the last question. Now what do you notice about these distributions? How else could you have examined the log transformation of each distribution using your coding in 3a?
3c. Plot the relationships between pairs of variables in exo_mat_clean_log
with ggpairs()
. What do you notice?
For our exoplanet data set, the orbital period \(T\) is found in the variable pl_orbper
, and the mass of the host star \(M\) in the variable st_mass
, and the semi-major axis \(a\) in the variable pl_orbsmax
. Kepler’s third law states that (when the mass \(M\) of the host star is much greater than the mass \(m\) of the planet), the orbital period \(T\) satisfies:
\[ T^2 \approx \frac{4\pi^2}{GM}a^3. \]
Above, \(G\) is Newton’s constant. (You don’t have to do anthing yet, this was just by way of background.)
4a. We are going to consider only the observations in exo_mat_clean_log
for which the mass of the host star is between 0.9 and 1.1 (on the log scale, between \(\log(0.9) \approx -0.105\) and \(\log(1.1) \approx 0.095\)), inclusive. Define exo_reg_data
to be the corresponding data.frame. Check that it has 439 rows.
4b. Perform a linear regression of a response variable \(\log(T)\) onto predictor variables \(\log(M)\) and \(\log(a)\), using only planets for which the host star mass is between 0.9 and 1.1, i.e., the data in exo_reg_data
. Save the result as exo_lm
, and save the coefficients as exo_coef
. What values do you get for the coefficients of the predictors \(\log(M)\) and \(\log(a)\)? Does this match what you would expect, given Kepler’s third law (displayed above)?
4c. Call summary()
on your regression object exo_lm
and display the results. Do the estimated coefficients appear significantly different from zero, based on their p-values? Challenge: use the summary()
object to answer the following question. Are the theoretical values for the coefficients of \(\log(M)\) and \(\log(a)\) from Kepler’s third law within 2 standard errors of the estimated ones?
Challenge. What value do you get for the intercept in your regression model, and does this match what you would expect, given Kepler’s third law?
4d. Using fitted()
, retrieve the fitted values from your regression object exo_lm
. Mathematically, this is giving you: \[
\beta_0 + \beta_1 \log(M) + \beta_2 \log(a)
\] for all the values of log mass \(\log(M)\) and log semi-major axis \(\log(a)\) in your data set, where \(\beta_0,\beta_1,\beta_3\) are the estimated regression coefficients. Thus you can also compute these fitted values from the coefficients stored in exo_coef
. Show that the two approaches give the same results.