Statistical Computing, 36-350
Monday July 22, 2019
is a package for manipulating the structure of data framesgather()
: make wide data longerspread()
: make long data widerunite()
and separate()
: combine or split columnsdplyr
has advanced functionality that mirrors SQLgroup_by()
: create groups of rows according to a conditionsummarize()
: apply computations across groups of rows*_join()
where *
= inner
, left
, right
, or full
: join two data frames together according to common values in certain columns, and *
indicates how many rows to keepSimulation basics
R gives us unique access to great simulation tools (unique compared to other languages). Why simulate? Welcome to the 21st century! Two reasons:
To sample from a given vector, use sample()
sample(x = letters, size = 10) # Without replacement, the default
## [1] "w" "n" "j" "k" "l" "m" "x" "f" "u" "g"
sample(x = c(0,1), size = 10, replace = TRUE) # With replacement
## [1] 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
sample(x = 10) # Arguments set as x=1:10, size=10, replace=FALSE
## [1] 1 8 2 9 10 4 3 5 7 6
To sample from a normal distribution, we have the utility functions:
: generate normal random variablespnorm()
: normal distribution function, \(\Phi(x)=P(Z \leq x)\)dnorm()
: normal density function, \(\phi(x)= \Phi'(x)\)qnorm()
: normal quantile function, \(q(y)=\Phi^{-1}(y)\), i.e., \(\Phi(q(y))=y\)Replace “norm” with the name of another distribution, all the same functions apply. E.g., “t”, “exp”, “gamma”, “chisq”, “binom”, “pois”, etc.
Standard normal random variables (mean 0 and variance 1)
n <- 200
z <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1) # These are the defaults for mean, sd
mean(z) # Check: sample mean is approximately 0
## [1] 0.08054253
var(z) # Check: sample variance is approximately 1
## [1] 1.167726
To compute empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF)—the standard estimator of the cumulative distribution function—use ecdf()
ecdf_fun <- ecdf(z) # Create the ECDF
class(ecdf_fun) # It's a function!
## [1] "ecdf" "stepfun" "function"
## [1] 0.5
# We can plot it
gaussian_data <- data.frame(z = sort(z)) %>%
mutate(ecdf = ecdf_fun(z),
true = pnorm(z))
gaussian_data_lines <- gaussian_data %>%
gather("line", "value",
ecdf, true, -z) %>%
mutate(line = forcats::fct_recode(line,
Empirical = "ecdf",
Actual = "true"))
ggplot(gaussian_data_lines, aes(x = z, y = value, color = line)) +
geom_line() +
labs(y = "CDF",
title = "ECDF",
color = "")
To compute histogram —a basic estimator of the density based on binning—use hist()
hist_obj <- hist(z, breaks = 30, plot = FALSE) # base R function
class(hist_obj) # It's a list
## [1] "histogram"
hist_obj$breaks # These are the break points that were used
## [1] -3.2 -3.0 -2.8 -2.6 -2.4 -2.2 -2.0 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6
## [15] -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
## [29] 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
hist_obj$density # These are the estimated probabilities
## [1] 0.025 0.000 0.025 0.025 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.025 0.125 0.125 0.125
## [12] 0.300 0.375 0.350 0.450 0.400 0.350 0.300 0.425 0.225 0.325 0.050
## [23] 0.300 0.050 0.150 0.100 0.100 0.025 0.000 0.050 0.000 0.025 0.025
# We can plot it
gaussian_data <- gaussian_data %>%
mutate(PDF = dnorm(z))
ggplot(gaussian_data, aes(x = z, y = ..density..)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 30,
fill = "lightblue",
col = "black") +
geom_line(aes(y = PDF)) +
labs(title = "True vs Empirical Distribution")
hist_data <- data.frame(breaks = hist_obj$breaks[1:(length(hist_obj$breaks) - 1)] + .1,
density = hist_obj$density)
ggplot(hist_data, aes(x = breaks, y = density)) +
geom_histogram(stat = "identity")
## Warning: Ignoring unknown parameters: binwidth, bins, pad
Interesting statistical facts:
uses a kernel density estimator (gives a function) and you’ve already seen geom_density
Pseudorandomness and seeds
Not surprisingly, we get different draws each time we call rnorm()
## [1] -0.06193826
## [1] -0.001027752
## [1] 0.03538111
## [1] -0.1378349
Random numbers generated in R (in any language) are not “truly” random; they are what we call pseudorandom
in your R console to read more about this (and to read how to change the algorithm used for pseudorandom number generation, which you should never really have to do, by the way)All pseudorandom number generators depend on what is called a seed value
# Getting the same 5 random normals over and over
set.seed(0); rnorm(5)
## [1] 1.2629543 -0.3262334 1.3297993 1.2724293 0.4146414
set.seed(0); rnorm(5)
## [1] 1.2629543 -0.3262334 1.3297993 1.2724293 0.4146414
set.seed(0); rnorm(5)
## [1] 1.2629543 -0.3262334 1.3297993 1.2724293 0.4146414
# Different seeds, different numbers
set.seed(1); rnorm(5)
## [1] -0.6264538 0.1836433 -0.8356286 1.5952808 0.3295078
set.seed(2); rnorm(5)
## [1] -0.89691455 0.18484918 1.58784533 -1.13037567 -0.08025176
set.seed(3); rnorm(5)
## [1] -0.9619334 -0.2925257 0.2587882 -1.1521319 0.1957828
# Each time the seed is set, the same sequence follows (indefinitely)
set.seed(0); rnorm(3); rnorm(2); rnorm(1)
## [1] 1.2629543 -0.3262334 1.3297993
## [1] 1.2724293 0.4146414
## [1] -1.53995
set.seed(0); rnorm(3); rnorm(2); rnorm(1)
## [1] 1.2629543 -0.3262334 1.3297993
## [1] 1.2724293 0.4146414
## [1] -1.53995
set.seed(0); rnorm(3); rnorm(2); rnorm(1)
## [1] 1.2629543 -0.3262334 1.3297993
## [1] 1.2724293 0.4146414
## [1] -1.53995
Iteration and simulation
What would you do if you had such a model, and your scientist collaborators asked you: how many patients would we need to have in each group (drug, no drug), in order to reliably see that the average reduction in tumor size is large?
# Simulate, supposing 60 subjects in each group
n <- 60
mu_drug <- 2
mu_nodrug <- runif(n, min = 0, max = 1)
x_drug <- 100 * rexp(n, rate = 1/mu_drug)
x_nodrug <- 100 * rexp(n, rate = 1/mu_nodrug)
sim_data <- data.frame(x = c(x_drug, x_nodrug),
class = factor(rep(c("Drug","No Drug"), each = 60)))
sim_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = ..density.., color = class)) +
geom_histogram(aes(fill = class),
alpha = .5, color = "black",
position = "identity") +
geom_density(aes(color = class))
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
we are really getting a kernel density estimate - which can be thought of as adding little globs of honey centered at each point.
If we just want to calculate the a density function we can change the “spread” by changing the bandwidth (bw
). For ggplot
we can access this by using the stat_density
instead of geom_density
gg_vis <- list()
for (bw in c(5,10,30)) {
gg_vis[[as.character(bw)]] <- sim_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, color = class)) +
geom_density(aes(color = class), bw = bw) +
geom_rug() +
labs(title = bw)
grid.arrange(grobs = gg_vis, ncol = 1)
Consider the code below for a generic simulation. Think about how you would frame this for the drug effect example, which you’ll revisit in lab
# Function to do one simulation run
one_sim <- function(param1, param2 = value2, param3 = value3) {
# Possibly intricate simulation code goes here
# Function to do repeated simulation runs
rep_sim <- function(nreps, param1, param2 = value2,
param3 = value3, seed = NULL) {
# Set the seed, if we need to
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
# Run the simulation over and over
sim_objs <- vector(length = nreps, mode = "list")
for (r in 1:nreps) {
sim_objs[r] <- one_sim(param1, param2, param3)
# Aggregate the results somehow, and then return something
Reading in and writing out data
Sometimes simulations take a long time to run, and we want to save intermediate or final output, for quick reference later
There two different ways of saving things from R (there are more than two, but here are two useful ones):
: allows us to save single R objects (like a vector, matrix, list, etc.), in (say) .rds format. E.g.,
saveRDS(my_mat, file = "my_matrix.rds")
: allows us to save any number of R objects in (say) .rdata format. E.g.,
save(mat_x, mat_y, list_z, file="my_objects.rdata")
Note: there is a big difference between how these two treat variable names
Corresponding to the two different ways of saving, we have two ways of loading things into R:
: allows us to load an object that has been saved by savedRDS()
, and assign a new variable name. E.g.,
my_new_mat <- readRDS("my_matrix.rds")
: allows us to load all objects that have been saved through save()
, according to their original variables names. E.g.,
, saveRDS()
: functions for reading/writing single R objects from/to a fileload()
, save()
: functions for reading/writing any number of R objects from/to a fileAdvantage: these can be a lot more memory efficient than other tools
Disadvantage: they’re limited in scope in the sense that they can only communicate with R
All along, we’ve already been reading in data from the outside, using:
: reading in lines of text from a file or webpage; returns vector of stringsread.table()
: read in a data table from a file or webpage; returns data frameread.csv()
: like the above, but assumes comma separated data; returns data frameThis week we’ll focus on read.table()
, read.csv()
and their counterparts write.table()
, write.csv()
, respectively
, read.csv()
Have a table full of data, just not in the R file format? Then read.table()
is the function for you. It works as in:
read.table(file =, sep = " ")
, to read data from a local file on your computer called
, assuming (say) space separated dataread.table(file = webpage_link, sep = "\t")
, to read data from a webpage up at webpage_link
, assuming (say) tab separated dataThe function read.csv()
is just a shortcut for using read.table()
with sep=","
. (But note: these two actually differ on some of the default inputs!)
The following inputs apply to either read.table()
or read.csv()
(though these two functions actually have different default inputs in general—e.g., header
defaults to TRUE in read.table()
but FALSE in read.csv()
: boolean, TRUE is the first line should be interpreted as column namessep
: string, specifies what separates the entries; empty string “” is interpreted to mean any white spacecheck.names
: boolean, if FALSE, don’t update names of columns to be more $
: boolean, if FALSE - leave strings a strings (if TRUE converts them to factors)Other helpful inputs: skip
, row.names
, col.names
. You can read about them in the help file for read.table()
shark_attacks <- read.table(
sep = ",", header = TRUE)
## X Case.Number Date Type Country Area
## 1 1 2016.09.18.c 2016-09-18 Unprovoked USA Florida
## 2 2 2016.09.18.b 2016-09-18 Unprovoked USA Florida
## 3 3 2016.09.18.a 2016-09-18 Unprovoked USA Florida
## 4 4 2016.09.17 2016-09-17 Unprovoked AUSTRALIA Victoria
## 5 5 2016.09.15 2016-09-16 Unprovoked AUSTRALIA Victoria
## 6 6 2016.09.15.R 2016-09-15 Boat AUSTRALIA Western Australia
## Location Activity Name Sex Age
## 1 New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County Surfing male M 24
## 2 New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County Surfing Chucky Luciano M 74
## 3 New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County Surfing male M 85
## 4 Thirteenth Beach Surfing Rory Angiolella M -5
## 5 Bells Beach Surfing male M -5
## 6 Bunbury Fishing Occupant: Ben Stratton U -5
## Injury Time Species
## 1 Minor injury to thigh 13h00 <NA>
## 2 Lacerations to hands 11h00 <NA>
## 3 Lacerations to lower leg 10h43 <NA>
## 4 Struck by fin on chest & leg <NA> <NA>
## 5 No injury: Knocked off board by shark <NA> 2 m shark
## 6 Shark rammed boat. No injury to occupant <NA> <NA>
## Investigator.or.Source Fatal SharkLength
## 1 Orlando Sentinel, 9/19/2016 N 10
## 2 Orlando Sentinel, 9/19/2016 N 9
## 3 Orlando Sentinel, 9/19/2016 N 5
## 4 The Age, 9/18/2016 N 8
## 5 The Age, 9/16/2016 N 9
## 6 West Australian, 9/15/2016 N 10
sapply(shark_attacks, class)
## X Case.Number Date
## "integer" "factor" "factor"
## Type Country Area
## "factor" "factor" "factor"
## Location Activity Name
## "factor" "factor" "factor"
## Sex Age Injury
## "factor" "integer" "factor"
## Time Species Investigator.or.Source
## "factor" "factor" "factor"
## Fatal SharkLength
## "factor" "integer"
, write.csv()
To write a data frame (or matrix) to a text file, use write.table()
or write.csv()
. These are the counterparts to read.table()
and read.csv()
, and they work as in:
write.table(my_df, file = "my_df.txt", sep = " ", quote = FALSE)
, to write my_df
to the text file “my_df.txt” (to be created in your working directory), with (say) space separation, and no quotes around the entrieswrite.csv(my_df, file="my_df.csv", quote = FALSE)
, to write my_dat
to the text file “my_df.csv” (to be created in your working directory), with comma separation, and no quotesNote that quote = FALSE
, signifying that no quotes should be put around the printed data entries, seems always preferable (default is quote = TRUE
). Also, setting row.names = FALSE
and col.names = FALSE
will disable the printing of row and column names (defaults are row.names = TRUE
and col.names = TRUE
, load()
, read.csv()
, read.csv()
; helps sometimes take a look at the original data files to see their structure