Blog: Making Professional RMD files (for PDF production)


1. Introduction

In the past 4 years of my PhD I’ve TAed for multiple classes in our Masters in Statistical Practice program, a professional masters program - aim at students interested in learning more applied statistics to enter into the professional workforce. This program help students develop their capabilities in technical report writing. I decided to write this demo in making professional Rmd files as we’ve constantly been needing to give students the templates to get the desired outcomes. Potential other resources include:

This blog post was accompanied with a .Rmd file, a pdf file and a zip file with a more demonstrative template.

In general, thanks to Yihui Xue at Rstudio, Rmd files have improved to do most of what is expected from \(\LaTeX\) files. It should be noted that the Sweave (Rnw) files have long been able combine R code with \(\LaTeX\) more directly.

A lot of the specialization of the Rmd file will occur in the yaml section of the document, which is the head of the document that might original look like:

title: "Mathematics and the picturing of data"
author: "John Tukey"
output: pdf_document

Additionally, we will be demonstrating tools associated with pdf output through the bookdown which extends off the standard rmarkdown pdf output.

2 Cross-References

A lot of the time in professional documents, we want to be able to be able to clearly reference which bit of additional information we are talking about. In our context this might relate to 1) Figures, 2) Tables, 3) Sections, 4) equations, theorems, etc. bookdown’s pdf_document2 provides us with lots of tools to correctly reference the items in a way we’d expect (if we’re used to \(LaTeX\)).

Getting started: For these referencing we need to use bookdown as such our yaml section of the .Rmd should be changed to something like

title: "Algorithmic Learning in a Random World"
author: "Vladimir Vovk, Alex Gammerman, and Glenn Shafer"
output: bookdown:pdf_document2

2.1 Tables and Figures references

If you’re using Rmd you’re probably using R to produce tables and figures. I highly recommend always “linking” to the plots/tables you produce by “referencing” them directly in your text (e.g. “Figure 6 provides…” or “… (as seen in Figure 6)”). And then the next step is to have smart referencing that gives the user a way to quickly jump to the figure / table and also not have to keep track of the number yourself.

I also recommend making sure your captions of all your figures and tables can stand on their own (aka make sense even if I take them out of the document they are in).

2.1.1 Tables

Bookdown Reference:

You’ll find that packages knitr (and knitrExtra) or xtable are useful to help make presentable tables (especially to pdf). Moreover broom can help compress lots of models in R into data frames that can then be passed into these functions (ex. broom::tidy). And the pander package also can convert summary data of models pretty well.

To reference a table we need a few things. First we need to have an R block with a name. In the following example we name our code block “table-name” (and the code in the box would produces a basic table). Section A.2 provides more details on parameters that can be used in R code blocks

```{r table-name}
  data.frame(`model id` = 1:5,
             `score` = c(1,1.1,3,.5,2)))

Now that we have a table with a name we can use \@ref(tab:table-name) to reference the table (note the differences between the \(\LaTeX\) approach which would be \ref{tab:table-name}). Note that the underlying pandoc and bookdown code knows that this is a table, so it will index the table we made above differently than figures we might also have. Additionally note that bookdown::pdf_document2 won’t allow for underscores (_) in the names of the table - so we use dashes (-). Table Captions and hold positions

Table captions in R are generated with the “table”-generating code. For the above code, we used knitr::kable to create the table. It has a caption parameter that allows us to create the a caption and the kableExtra package gives us tools to hold the position of the table (similar to \(\LaTeX\) \begin{tabular}[h] command). The below code shows how we’d get a caption for the above table and make it “hover” in place (if possible). Note: I will start using tidyverse sythax as it is easier to read.

```{r table-name2}
data.frame(`model id` = 1:5,
           `score` = c(1,1.1,3,.5,2)) %>%
  knitr::kable(format = "latex", caption = "Model Scores") %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position")

2.1.2 Figures

Bookdown reference:

In R referencing figures is similar to referencing tables, but the creation of the names and captions are different. Below we demonstrate creating some code with a figure (with the name figure-name for the code block)

```{r figure-name}
data.frame(`model id` = 1:5,
           `score` = c(1,1.1,3,.5,2))) %>%
  ggplot() + geom_bar(aes(x = `model id`, y = score))

We can use the same referencing idea from the tables, i.e. we use \@ref(fig:figure-name) to reference the figure (again, note the differences between the \(\LaTeX\) approach which would be \ref{fig:figure-name}). Figure Captions and floating, centering, size, etc

For Figures, we actually specific the additional details that we would deal with in \(LaTeX\) figures in the R code block information header, for example we use the fig.cap parameter to creation a figure caption, fig.align to determine alignment of the figure, and we can change the size of the figure with fig.width and fig.height (and fig.asp). The parameter fig.pos allows us to define floating in a similar way as the table options.

```{r figure-name2, fig.cap = "Model Scores", fig.align="center", fig.width=5, fig.asp=1, fig.pos="H"}
data.frame(`model id` = 1:5,
           `score` = c(1,1.1,3,.5,2))) %>%
  ggplot() + geom_bar(aes(x = `model id`, y = score))

Note: That because pandoc (the processor behind Rmd) converts things to \(LaTeX\) (for pdf), it should be noted that sometimes you will need to use the \(LaTeX\) notation to refer to things. For example if we wanted to do some referals in captions we’d need to do the following

```{r figure-name3, fig.cap = "Model Scores (like Table \\ref{tab:table-name3})", fig.align="center", fig.width=5, fig.asp=1, fig.pos="H"}
data.frame(`model id` = 1:5,
           `score` = c(1,1.1,3,.5,2))) %>%
  ggplot() + geom_bar(aes(x = `model id`, y = score))
```{r table-name3}
data.frame(`model id` = 1:5,
           `score` = c(1,1.1,3,.5,2)) %>%
  knitr::kable(format = "latex", 
               caption = "Model Scores (like Figure \\ref{fig:figure-name3})"
               ) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position")

2.1.3. Non-code based Figures

Suppose you’d like to include a figure already created or saved online. In order to work with it in the Figure referencing, there are a few approaches that can be used. Locally saved images

Inside code chunks (to be able to leverage figure referencing), the following links provide ways to do so (some sizing is different for each):

```{r figure-name5, fig.cap = "Go Tartans!", fig.align="center", fig.width=5, fig.asp=1, fig.pos="H"}

If you’re ok having a image outside a code chunk you can also use the format (which, again, will lose the referencing) then the standard way will work:

![](local/path/to/file) Images from the web

Including images are slightly different. Below is one way to get around it

```{r fig-webimage, fig.cap = "Random image from the web.", echo=F, message=F, warning=F, fig.align="center", out.width = "100%"}
url <- ""
url_cont <- getURLContent(url)
img <- readPNG(url_cont)
rimg <- as.raster(img) # raster multilayer object
r <- nrow(rimg) / ncol(rimg) # image ratio

3 Citations

For lots of documents we wish to cite other articles and books in our work. There are multiple options in \(LaTeX\) and as such there are multiple options with Rmd files. A good resource is bookdown’s chapter 2.8 which discusses a lot of what I will be presenting here.

To get started we have to have a bibliography of items to actually cite!

3.1 Linking the bibliography

It is the most common (in the Statistics community) to use .bib files to store all references, but there are many more options, and in .Rmds we can also store them in the yaml section of the document.

3.1.1 Special Bibliography in the yaml (aka “inline references”)

The “most basic” but least easy to maintain approach to creating a bibliography is to do so in the yaml header (and example of which can be seen below). Rmarkdown gives useful help with the approach here need references to all field options.

title: "All of Statistics"
author: "Larry Wasserman"
output: bookdown:pdf_document2
- id: wassserman2013
  title: All of statistics: a concise course in statistical inference
  - family: Wasserman
    given: Larry
  publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
  type: book
    year: 2013
- id: lopezpintado2011
  title: A half-region depth for functional data
  - family: L{\'o}pez-Pintado
    given: Sara 
  - family: Romo
    given: Juan
  container-title: Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis,
  volume: 55
  issue: 4
  page: 1679-1695
  year: 2011
  publisher: Elsevier
  tyle: article-journal

3.1.2 Using external files to store your bibliography

As mentioend above it’s pretty common to use an external file to store your bibliography. There are many options of files that you can use (see Rmarkdown’s cite for the list), but we will be showing the .bib BibLaTeX approach (which we think is the most common in Statistics).

To link an external style to be used we change the yaml from above to:

title: "A half-region depth for functional data"
author: "Sara Lopez-Pintado and Juan Romo"
output: bookdown:pdf_document2
bibliography: "my_bibliography.bib"

With the understanding that in the same folder as your .Rmd file you also have a my_bibliography.bib file, that looks something like:

  title={All of statistics: a concise course in statistical inference},
  author={Wasserman, Larry},
  publisher={Springer Science \& Business Media}

  title={A half-region depth for functional data},
  author={L{\'o}pez-Pintado, Sara and Romo, Juan},
  journal={Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis},

You can find more about the potential fields and types of things you can reference in lots of places including the wikipedia page.

3.2 Referencing the biblography

3.2.1 Which tool shall we use?

Now that we have a group of documents to reference, how do we reference them? The answer is that we have a lot of options, and that the options mirror our options in \(LaTeX\) where we can choose to use the build into biblatex referencing or use the \usepackage{natbib}. There are lots of discussion about the differences (one of which on slackexchange can be found here. To get a clear visual understanding I recommend the detailed commentary on each from overleaf: biblatex, natbib). Introduction to Biblatex (the default)

To use biblatex as your biliography tool, in the yaml top of the file we want to change it to:

title: "Distribution-free prediction sets"
author: "Jing Lei, James Robins, and Larry Wasserman"
    citation_package: biblatex
bibliography: "our_bibliography.bib"

Provide image and code of basic document (maybe copy overleaf a bit?) Introduction to Natbib (my preferred)

title: "The functional mean-shift algorithm for mode hunting and clustering in infinite dimensions"
author: "Mattia Ciollaro, Christopher Genovese, Jing Lei, and Larry Wasserman"
    citation_package: natbib
bibliography: "hopefully_a_bibliography.bib"

Provide image and code of basic document (maybe copy overleaf a bit?)

Other references: More on Styling

Even after you’ve decided on biblatex vs natbib there are still a lot of different styles that can be used. The most basic change is setting a style of the references and table using a yaml parameter biblio-style demostrated in the following example:

title: "The functional mean-shift algorithm for mode hunting and clustering in infinite dimensions"
author: "Mattia Ciollaro, Christopher Genovese, Jing Lei, and Larry Wasserman"
    citation_package: natbib
bibliography: "hopefully_a_bibliography.bib"
biblio-style: plainnat.bst

The options are presented well in a document from Reed college, but note that natbib and biblatex don’t call the styles the same thing. Additionally, if you find that some the biblio-style isn’t working as expected you can either do:

title: "The functional mean-shift algorithm for mode hunting and clustering in infinite dimensions"
author: "Mattia Ciollaro, Christopher Genovese, Jing Lei, and Larry Wasserman"
    citation_package: natbib
bibliography: "hopefully_a_bibliography.bib" 
  - \bibliographystyle{plainnat.bst}

where style is the style you want to use OR you can use a can include a style guide in the form of a .csl file. This github repository provides a lot of options to look over. An example is shown below (and you can also store the .csl locally). This Rmarkdown) page also has more comments about where to find .csl files.

title: "The functional mean-shift algorithm for mode hunting and clustering in infinite dimensions"
author: "Mattia Ciollaro, Christopher Genovese, Jing Lei, and Larry Wasserman"
    citation_package: natbib
bibliography: "hopefully_a_bibliography.bib" 
csl: ""

extra Pandoc resource:

3.2.2 Let’s ACTUALLY Reference something

To use the reference tools in bookdown’s .Rmd files we can do

  • [@wasserman2013] to get a parenthesis based reference (e.g. natbib: [Wasserman, 2013] and biblatex: [1])

  • @wasserman2013 to get an inline text presentation (e.g. natbib: Wasserman [2013], doesn’t work for biblatex)

  • -@wasserman2013 removes author mention (e.g. natbib: [2013], doesn’t work for biblatex)

4. Code Appendix

If you’re still including blocks of code to create figures and tables / do analysis throughout your report but would like them all combined together at the end you can leverage the following approach. This requires doing some things at the beginning and end of your document.

Step 1: At the start

Because you’re looking for no code / warnings / messages shown through out the document (and only a code appendix at the end), we recommend leveraging knitr::options_chuck$set to set a set of options for all code chunks at the beginning of the document. Specifically we recommend the following code block

```{r, include=FALSE}

knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE) 
# ^include this if you don't want markdown to knit messages
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE) 
# ^include this if you don't want markdown to knit warnings
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) 
# ^set echo = FALSE to hide code from html output

Note that you can naturally pre-set more code block parameters.

Step 2: Combining all code together

Run the following code at the end of your document

```{r ref.label=knitr::all_labels(), echo = T, eval = F}

4.1 Recommendations

Note that this still allows code to extend off the page. To avoid this make sure you obey and 80 character limit in your code. You can make a line in your Rstudio to show the 80 character line. This can be found from this path:

Rstudio > Preferences > Code > Show Margin 

A. Actual Appendix

A.1 Sweave (the ‘original’ \(\LaTeX\) + R combination)

After you create a new Sweave file, you’ll see that it looks like a standard \(\LaTeX\) (with the \documentclass{article} and \begin{document}/\end{document}).

To add r code inline (in Rmd we do as) we use \Sexpr{} and to start code blocks we start with << >>= and end the block with @ (in Rmd we used ```{r} and end the block with ```).

A.2 Full list of R code block parameters and descriptions

Reference can be found here (yihui and knitr)

A.3. “Standard” tools that can be used inside .Rmd files

  • \pagebreak
  • equations, etc

A.3. Making a \(\LaTeX\) template for your Rmd

Resource from bookdown